Subantarctic Chile 2014-2015: program info

Timing: end of Dec. 2014.- mid Jan. 2015
Duration: 3 weeks
Departure: December 29th, arriving in Santiago Chile on Dec. 30, continuing to Punta Arenas, arriving Dec. 30th; local field trips scheduled; departing from Isla Navarino on January 1st, arriving Jan. 2nd; departing for Punta Arenas, on January 16th, flying to the US via Santiago on Jan. 17th, arriving on the 18th, a day before classes resume.
Tentative schedule: you can find it here:
UCONN is subsidizing students participating in this unique learning experience by contributing $900 per student.
The fees (incl. study abroad fee $475, course fee $3,465 and enrollment fee $45) amount to $3,985
The course fee includes transportation (airfare and ferry IN CHILE) and all meals and lodging.
International Health insurance may need to be added (± $40)
Airfare from US to Santiago Chile: today’s quote is $1,390
So the total for the course would be about $5,400. (fees + international airfare)
Financial aid: is virtually lacking for Winter session but students can apply for a global citizenship scholarship through the study abroad application; this fellowship is awarded on a need-basis and  vary between $200 and $1,000; eligible student must have a FAFSA file on record.
Fellowships: a limited number of competitive fellowships are available to qualified students; fellowshipsare $1,000; applications are being processed and awards should be made mid-September at the latest.
Course in Chile: students will earn 3 credits by enrolling in a course in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Fall seminar: Students participating in the winter course should enroll in the fall weekly seminar (1 credit) that will seek to maximize their preparation for their stay and hence experience in Chile.
To participate and enroll in this course students must apply through the study abroad office.
Study abroad application is Sept. 25th.
Decision deadline: Oct. 1st.
More information:
We are posting information about this course at
Watch this video to see what students said from a short, exploratory trip in 2012.